Multi-Platform Synchronization

Twixie Goes Multi-Platform, Discord and Telegram

Discord Integration

When using Twixie on Discord, simply replace the / prefix for commands on Telegram with ! on Discord.

For a detailed understanding of Twixie’s commands and features, please refer to our previous command guide available for Discord Commands and Telegram Commands. The guide will walk you through the commands and features, and the only change you need to make is the prefix from / to !.

For example, if you used /collect on Telegram, you will now use !collect on Discord. This unification of platforms gives you the flexibility to choose where you want to play and interact with Twixie.

Wallet Syncing Guide

To ensure a seamless experience between Telegram and Discord, follow this simple guide to sync your wallet across both platforms:

  1. If you haven’t used the Telegram bot yet and want to sync your wallet, follow these steps in Discord:  — Type !wallet <wallet.wam> in Discord.

  2. If you haven’t used the Discord bot yet and want to sync your wallet, follow these steps in Telegram:  — Type /wallet <wallet.wam> in Telegram.

  3. If you have already linked your wallet in Telegram but not in Discord:  — Chat with Twixie in Telegram and type /syncdiscord to receive a unique code. — Switch to Discord and enter the command !synctelegram <wallet.wam>, replacing <wallet.wam> with the your wallet address.

  4. If you have already linked your wallet in Discord but not in Telegram:  — Chat with Twixie in Discord and type !synctelegram to receive a unique code. — Switch to Telegram and enter the command /syncdiscord <wallet.wam>, replacing <wallet.wam> with the your wallet address.

Once you have successfully completed the syncing process, your wallet will be connected to both Discord and Telegram platforms, allowing you to seamlessly manage your characters and collections.

Last updated